Recent articles and readings Get the low-down on key readings – following are some insightful articles on U.S. – India relations published in last few weeks...more

Co-equal guiding principles of this Dashboard
The various indicators and trends captured in this Dashboard are rooted in certain guiding principles of U.S.-India relations at start of the 21st century...more
The various indicators and trends captured in this Dashboard are rooted in certain guiding principles of U.S.-India relations at start of the 21st century...more

The Obama-Singh Joint Communiqué
& Joint Press Meet
What should be the message in the joint communiqué? How will it compare to the Obama-Hu statement of Nov. 2009? Where should the joint press meet be held?...more
& Joint Press Meet
What should be the message in the joint communiqué? How will it compare to the Obama-Hu statement of Nov. 2009? Where should the joint press meet be held?...more

+ Mutual Imagery: In India there is perception that U.S. pushes ideas to support unilateralist and MIC policies...more
+ Energy and Nuclear Proliferation: A grand Thorium Partnership between the U.S. and India. Assured fuel and technology...more
Read all Issues

How can India help President Obama to lower the cost of healthcare reform in the U.S.? The results of elections held on Nov 2 to the U.S. House of Representatives, Senate, and Governor races for...more

Obama’s Indian “Buzzword Bingo” - an interesting bingo game of words by Wall Street Journal that president Obama would use in India...more
Credits: Ven, Rami, Dheer, Gila, Nidhi, Runjhun, Hemant