Recent articles and readings Get the low-down on key readings – following are some insightful articles on U.S. – India relations published in last few weeks...more

The Obama-Singh Joint Communiqué & Joint Press Meet
What should be the message in the joint communiqué? Where should the press meet be held? What questions must be asked by media?...
1. Will the communiqué emerging from Delhi correct the tilt from the Obama-Hu communiqué of Nov 2009 – will Obama invite India to play a role in East Asia?
2. The only message to the commons of India, the U.S., and the world shall be via the Joint Communiqué and the Joint Press Meet subsequent to the Obama-Singh talks.
3. Though we expect lofty words, and soaring vision, yet we also expect immediate takeaways for both countries;
4. Words in the communiqué and press interaction will be microscopically examined – both leaders need to deliver to their domestic and global audiences, and the future.
5. The Joint Press Meet must be held against the backdrop of the majestic Rashtrapati Bhawan – visual images of India’s grandiose setting must be conveyed globally
6. A bank of ten hard hitting questions must be prepared by Indian media. The answers and images by Obama and Singh will ricochet all over the globe.
7. Each question must have a powerful two-line background, and then a one line question. Prior to the meet all invited press people must coordinate their strategy.
What are some questions that Indian media must ask?
1. The U.S. – China Joint Statement of Nov 17th during your state visit to Beijing last year caused some consternation in India about China’s role in South Asia. And now there are reports that India should play an active role in East Asia.
What kind of role do you expect India to play in East Asia?
2. Though Pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism, there are enough reports that suggest Pakistan promotes terror as a state policy. Even British PM Cameron has condemned state sponsored terrorism from Pakistan.
Would you also condemn the state sponsored terrorism of Pakistan?
3. India is the world’s largest democracy. There are tensions on its borders that threaten India’s territorial integrity. India feels these are a legacy of events from the past which were thrust upon India by history.
How would you express your support for India’s territorial integrity?
4. The opening lines of the UN charter say “We the people…” Today India is almost one-fifth of humanity, and is the largest democracy in the world. Also, India’s contributions to the UN system are widely known. Sooner or later the UNSC will include India.
Why doesn’t the U.S. support India right away?
5. In search for energy security and clean tech jobs for the U.S. and India, and to reduce risks of nuclear proliferation and climate change, there have been two strong proposals recently.
One proposal advocates that the U.S. and India must enter into a Thorium partnership. The other argues for a Space Solar Power partnership – the Kalam-NSS initiative. What are your views on both, and such initiatives?