Recent articles and readings Get the low-down on key readings – following are some insightful articles on U.S. – India relations published in last few weeks...more Obama’s Indian “Buzzword Bingo” - Wall Street Journal When U.S. President Barack Obama visits India early next month, he is unlikely, as we have noted, to dwell much on some of the major issues facing the U.S.-India bilateral relationship...more

Recent articles and readings
* Get the low-down on key readings – following are some insightful articles on U.S. – India relations published in last few weeks.
* Likable India, by Sadanand Dhume, Wall Street Journal.
* Natural Allies: A Blueprint for the Future of US-India Relations, Center for a New American Century’s 12-page report," by Richard Armitage, Nicholas Burns and Richard Fontaine.
* Obama in India -- Building a Global Partnership: Challenges, Risks, Opportunities, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Policy Outlook paper, by Ashley Tellis.
* Towards Realistic U.S. India Relations, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Carnegie Report, by George Perkovich.
* President Obama’s India Visit - China and Pakistan Watch With Care, Chennai Centre for China Studies by Bhaskar Roy.
* Pak designs in Afghanistan:What President Obama needs to be told, by G Parthasarathy, The Tribune.
* Obama’s visit, India’s hopes, by Kanwal Sibal, Indian Express.
* Obama’s visit will be less strategic, more economic, by T P Sreenivasan, Rediff News.
* Obama’s opportunity, by Karl Inderfurth, Indian Express.
* Partners in Prosperity – “Business Leading the Way”, by Presidential Task Force of the US India Business Council.
* U.S., India should focus on boosting growth, jobs, by Harold McGraw III, Chairman of US India Business Council, Economic Times.
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