Recent articles and readings Get the low-down on key readings – following are some insightful articles on U.S. – India relations published in last few weeks...more

What does Imagindia propose?
1. Mutual Imagery and Trust Deficit. In India there is perception that U.S. pushes ideas to support unilateralist and MIC policies. Whilst in U.S. the perception is that India is always moralistic and does not get it. Both sides need to develop empathy.
2. Energy and Nuclear Proliferation. A grand Thorium Partnership between the U.S. and India. Assured fuel and technology, vast reduction of proliferation risks, riddance of fossil fuels, jobs, and so much more…read more
3. Space Energy Collaboration. The U.S. and India must examine and undertake aggressive feasibility studies of the proposed Kalam-NSS initiative to generate Space-based Solar Power.
4. Obama’s Wars. Pamir Peace Deal - China must vacate Kashmir. Obama’s wars will not succeed unless Kashmir is settled. India, China, Afghanistan, and Pakistan need peaceful borders – without terror seeping into each nation. Kashmir will unlock via China…read more
5. Pakistan. There are gaps and concerns on both sides re each others Pakistan policy. The U.S. has already identified 150 locations in Pakistan as terrorist bases. The U.S. and India both need to agree on how to dismantle these bases.
6. U.S. Trade Deficit. The U.S. must diversify its imports from China. By helping India to create large scale manufacturing the U.S. will reduce its dependency on China. Else, the debt stranglehold will get more unpalatable and constrain U.S. - domestically and globally.
7. Free Trade. India is making free trade and economic cooperation agreements with various Asian and other countries. Unless U.S. also signs soon with India, the U.S. companies will lose out in Indian market to suppliers from these other countries.
8. Export Controls. Not only must Indian entities be removed from the list, but in order for tangible trade in high-tech there must be efforts made by the U.S. to establish its credibility as a stable supplier, without any cloud of sanctions in future.
9. Outsourcing. The matter of outsourcing is taking up disproportionate time of leaderships – it should comprise no more than 5% of Singh-Obama time. A mere $200 million loss by Indian industry and the larger issue of protectionist trade policies can be taken up later, at relevant ministerial and other dialogues.
10. Joint Global Business. The U.S. and India must set up immediately a Joint Global Business Plan which should combine resources and talents of both countries to supply technology solutions, goods and services to the rest-of-world markets.
11. Food Security. The U.S. and India must work together to urgently create food security in the Af-Pak, South Asia, including Bangladesh regions. Food security and poverty reduction in this area will dry the recruiting grounds of terror.
12. Africa. U.S. and India should partner to bring food security, education, and infrastructure to several African countries. All countries of the world must help in Africa’s development – the burden should not be carried by a few.