Herebelow you shall find the latest writings by cutting edge strategic thinkers, and elite opinion influencers, in India. These are the thinkers who are imagining, debating, influencing, and shaping the strategic morphing of India in the 21st century, and we are glad to bring you their collective thoughts.
(names listed in alphabetical order)
- Amitabh Mattoo
- A. P. Venkateswaran
- B. Raman
- B. S. Raghavan
- Bharat Karnad
- Brahma Chellaney
- Brijesh Mishra
- C. Raja Mohan
- C. Uday Bhaskar
- G. Parthasarathy
- K. Subrahmanyam
- Kanwar Sibal
- Lalit Mansingh
- M. D. Nalapat
- M. K. Narayanan
- M. K. Rasgotra
- Mohan Guruswamy
- Naresh Chandra
- Pratap Bhanu Mehta
- Radha Kumar
- Robinder Sachdev
- Shashank
- Shashi Tharoor
- Shyam Sharan
- Siddharth Varadarajan
- Swaminathan S. A. Aiyar
- T. P. Sreenivasan
Nov 08, 2011, Chellaney.net, “America’s troubling support for oil-rich Islamist regimes” - Brahma Chellaney
1982: U.S. President Ronald Reagan dedicates the Space Shuttle Columbia to the resistance fighters — the jihadists — in Afghanistan. He proclaimed: “…more
Nov 01, 2011, The Hindu, “Challenges ahead for India's nuclear diplomacy” - Siddharth Varadarajan
Nullifying the effect of the Nuclear Suppliers Group's ban on enrichment and reprocessing exports will require diplomatic finesse and commercial hardball…more
Sep 25, 2011, The economic Times, “Will China eye Arunachal Pradesh's shale oil?” - Swaminathan S. A. Aiyar
From 1990 onward, Chudamani Ratnam, former chief of Oil India Ltd, repeatedly claimed that India had a treasure trove of shale oil in Arunachal Pradesh…more
May 04, 2011, Aljazeera, “Osama bin Laden's Pakistan” -
Brahma Chellaney
Pakistan needs to reform its military and intelligence services in order to rid itself of terrorist activity…more
April 20, 2011, Business Line, “Are intellectuals any good?” -
B. S. Raghavan
Beware intellectuals. Not merely should they be kept away from the levers of power, they should also be objects of suspicion when they seek to offer collective advice…more
April 17, 2011, Aljazeera, “The geopolitical message from Libya” - Brahma Chellaney
The intervention in Libya shows that democratic empowerment is just a geopolitical tool used by the great powers…more
March 20, 2011, Chellaney.net, “A blow to the global nuclear-power industry” - Brahma Chellaney
Inherently risky, water-intensive and unreliable — we must admit we cannot depend on nuclear power…more
March 17, 2011, Business Line, “Media frenzy over Somali pirates” - G. Parthasarathy
The media has not exactly covered itself in glory in its coverage of the Somali hostage crisis
March 7, 2011, Indian Express, “How to intervene”
- Amitabh Mattoo
On July 7, 2010, for the first time in over 17 years, troops from the 15th corps of the Indian army were deployed in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir…more
March 6, 2011, Harvard International, “Summer of Discontent”
- C. Raja Mohan
All big nations have enduring myths about their foreign policies. India is no exception. One of its principal myths, the presumed commitment to non-intervention in the internal affairs of other nations…more
March 7, 2011, Business Standards, “Is China 'eating our lunch'?” - Evan A Feigenbaum
In budget testimony last week, the Secretary of State told Congress that China is not just competing with the US around the world but, for all intents and purposes, is eating its lunch.…more
February 16, 2011, The Economic Times, “Middle East's uncertain democracy” - Swaminathan S. A. Aiyar
Excitement over the revolution in Egypt is tempered with worries that old autocrats will be replaced by new ones.…more
February 3, 2011, Business Line, “Sino-American ties delicately poised” - G. Parthasarathy
The US President, Mr Barack Obama, has become more assertive in dealing with China but that has not significantly altered the bilateral balance of power…more
January 19, 2011, Indian Express, “China, US aid to Pak will adversely impact India” - Brijesh Mishra
Chinese and American military aid to Pakistan will "adversely impact" India's national security…more
January 11, 2011, Foreign Policy, “India's Strategic Future”
- C. Raja Mohan
Why India needs to move from "strategic autonomy" to strategic cooperation with the United States…more
January 6, 2011, Outlook, “The Spreading Roots Of Extremism” - B. Raman
The assassination of Salman Taseer is even more worrisome than the brutal assassination of Benazir Bhutto because of the mixed reactions that it has evoked in Pakistan…more
December 28, 2010, Brahma Chellaney Blog, “India’s faint attempt at playing Chinese checkers” - Brahma Chellaney
A bully goes only after the timid: the more feckless and fearful a policy, the more pressure it will invite…more
December 23, 2010, The Hindu, “Defensive diplomacy won't work” - G. Parthasarathy
The WikiLeaks exchanges between Islamabad and Washington point to how India has let Pakistan off the hook on terror…more
December 20, 2010, The Hindu, “What really brought Wen to India?” - B. S. Raghavan
Heads of Governments do not embark on official visits outside their countries except for reasons that have to do with matters of moment…more
December 19, 2010, Indian Express, “The mystery of missing thousand miles in J&K ” - C. Raja Mohan
As questions of territorial sovereignty return to the centrestage in Sino-Indian relations, Beijing has added a new twist…more
December 18, 2010, Svaradarajan Blogspot, “Carrying anti-Iran tales, top official angled for U.S. junket” - Siddharth Varadarajan
New Delhi: India's first major embarrassment from the Wikileaks closet came tumbling out on Friday with the revelation that a top official…more
December 15, 2010, The Outlook, “A Polarised Perspective”
- B. Raman
We need to invest more in creating a new pool of China scholars and researchers whose China view will not be stymied by memories of 1962…more
December 15, 2010, The Hindu, “Wen-Singh meet must break new ground ” - B. S. Raghavan
The leaders of India and China must this time show evidence of coming to grips with at least three issues of vital importance to India and have it reflected in their joint statement…more
December 6, 2010, The Hindu, “The whys and wherefores of leaks ” - B. S. Raghavan
Make no mistake. We have entered the epoch of leaks. Societies, governments, corporates and whatever be the group or organisation are going…more
November 30, 2010, The Outlook, “Don't Dilute The P-5 Club: China ” - B. Raman
Before China declared South China Sea as their core interest, its relations with the USA were pretty cordial: 'If we end up with a P-10, both China and the United States would be in trouble…more
November 22, 2010, The Hindu, “Pot of gold at end of the rainbow ” - B. S. Raghavan
The United Nations came into being for the purpose of forging a collective approach and taking concerted action in regard to issues relating to the peace…more
November 15, 2010, The Hindu, “Perplexing aspects of Obama visit” - B. S. Raghavan
The US President, Mr Barack Obama, cannot be blamed if he viewed India as an integral part of his domestic strategy…more
November 15, 2010, The Economic Times, “US has no power to give anyone a permanent UNSC seat” - Swaminathan S. A. Aiyar
Euphoria over President Obama’s support has led some Indians to believe that India will soon become a permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC)…more
November 15, 2010, Live Mint, “Controlling technology flows” - Brahma Chellaney
The US has only committed to incremental easing of its export control regime depending on Indian concessions…more
November 11, 2010, The Hindu, “Trading one hyphen for another” - Siddharth Varadarajan
India may no longer be bracketed with Pakistan in American thinking but its hyphenation with China does not augur well for the relationship or the region…more
November 10, 2010, The Hindu, “Manmohan Singh takes vishwaroopam” - B. S. Raghavan
There can be no doubt about the momentous nature of the visit by the President of the world's militarily most powerful and technologically most advanced country to the world's largest…more
November 10, 2010, The Economic Times, “India a 'natural' partner for US, but so are Pakistan & China” - Swaminathan S. A. Aiyar
India and the US are natural partners, but not natural allies. That is the lesson that flows from the ups and downs of President Obama’s visit…more
November 5, 2010, The Hindu, “A partnership built on flawed assumptions” - Siddharth Varadarajan
If the big ticket arms and nuclear purchases the U.S. expects India to make do not materialise, much of the warmth in the relationship will evaporate.…more
October 29, 2010, The Hindu, “ China's coercive language policy ” - B. S. Raghavan
China is doing no good to itself and to its standing in the world by becoming known more and more for its deliberately designed policy of pinpricks than for mature handling of situations …more
October 31, 2010, The Economic Times, “Obama should visit Tawang monastery” - Swaminathan S. A. Aiyar
Most international visits by presidents and prime ministers are business-as-usual affairs…more
October 24, 2010, The Economic Times, “Killing microfinance will help moneylenders” - Swaminathan S. A. Aiyar
It’s actually a boon to moneylenders. For two decades, microfinance institutions (MFIs) have spread fast in Andhra Pradesh reaching millions of poor women and filling the space once dominated by moneylenders…more
October 20, 2010, The Economic Times, “India should not expect too much from Obama's visit” - Swaminathan S. A. Aiyar
It would be unwise to expect too much from President Obama’s coming visit to India. Indians were delighted when Obama became the first black President of the US.
October 14, 2010, The Hindu, “What India can bring to the high table” - Siddharth Varadarajan
The U.N. Security Council needs a strong and independent voice on the burning issues of our time, not some feeble echo of a stale Western chorus…more