The Imagindia Institute is a non partisan, independent think tank and research center with a mission to promote the image and imagination of India. In pursuit of its mission, Imagindia conducts research, designs strategy, implements projects, and where necessary attempts to shape public and elite opinion - within India, and globally.
Imagindia helps foreign governments, corporate and political leaders, media, and publics to better understand and engage with India. Imagindia simultaneously assists the Indian governmental, political, and business leaderships, and the public and media, to better interpret, strategize, and implement India's geopolitical and economic interests in the global theatre and foreign markets.
Imagindia's work spans public and business diplomacy across cultures, and it often plays a significant role in research and campaigns within India, as well in other countries.
Imagindia is perhaps the only think tank in India which has a unique and proven distinction to mobilize grassroots opinion in other countries via its ability to harness the Indian Diasporas communities.
As its social responsibility, Imagindia is dedicated to the promotion of a clean India, and has been running a national campaign in India for last five years to promote cleanliness in India. The campaign, Come, Clean India, has won policy victory, many awards, cited in case studies, and been appreciated by leaders in government and civic society – including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Home Minister Rajnath Singh, and more.
Our partner organizations
US India Political Action Committee
Come, Clean India
Children’s Book Trust